Good Samaritan Sisters Nalukolongo

The Institution of the Good Samaritan Sisters is an institute of the diocesan right, founded by the Late Emmanuel Cardinal Kiwanuka Nsubuga, in 1978. Her Mother House and headquarters are located at Nalukolongo; a suburb in the Archdiocese of Kampala, Uganda. The generalate is situated at Kisubi along Kampala-Entebbe high way a route to Entebbe International Airport, about 15 miles (21 km) from Kampala City.

The Good Samaritan Sisters follow Christ; serving Him in the poor, inspired by Christ’s limitless love and concern for the poor.

The Institution shares in the mission of the Church through works of mercy, serving Christ in poor, sick and disabled (Can. 6760). They focus on charity by being “neighbour” to the people in need (Lk 10: 29-37) and love of God who became poor for our sake (Eph 5:1).

The Good Samaritans are also people who read the signs of the time and at this, answer needs of society as ministresses of evangelisation basing on their charism to breed the needy, destitute and disabled people into holistic persons of the Universal church. They lead a community life as models in the unity of the Holy Trinity and an answer to Christ’s prayer of unity (Jn 17: 21).


The Good Samaritan Sisters main work is to cater for the poor, aged, lame, orphans and all the needy.
The Good Samaritan Sisters do not only serve at Bakateyamba’s Home at Nalukolongo, but the mission is large. We extend our services beyond Nalukolongo. Hence, we serve in different areas trying to reach out to the number of people in our society.

We work as Evangelists, Teachers, Social workers, Nurses, Professional Counsellors, Secretaries, Catechists, Administrators, and Agriculturalist etc. We are all called to be Good Samaritans at all levels in our Christian and religious life. The Good Samaritan Sisters embrace and imitate the Good Samaritan of the Gospel in Luke (10:29-37) by performing acts of love and compassion towards our Neighbours.

Relevance to the Current Situation

The Good Samaritan Sisters are called to help the poor, lame, orphans, and aged, destitute among others. Many people in our society are faced with numerous challenges in life.

Such Challenges in life include social, economic, political, spiritual, physical and mental health. Amidst these challenges the number of desperate people in our society has greatly increased.

Hence, the need for Good Samaritan Sisters to offer them a helping hand or to support them.