Good Samaritan Vocation

The call to religious life is God given. The Good Samaritan Sisters have always been endowed with new entrants to the Institution and have never suffered a lack. God has always sustained them by giving them young and courageous women to join them every single year without a break!


The Young girls who have completed their senior four with good grades or equivalent to that and above or those who have attained any profession are invited to join the aspirancy at Nalukolongo Mapeera Bakateyamba’s Home where the disabled and the disadvantaged stay.

The requirements to Admission and Stages of formation

For one to be admitted, should have completed eighteen years (18) of age, come from a well behaved home and a religious good family back ground. The minimum admissions required for candidates to join the Good Samaritan Institution are having completed the UCE with at least a first and second grade or an equivalent to that. Thus, single young women in good physical mental health after they have completed their ‘O’ level, ‘A’ level, college or University studies and self employed. Those interested need to be comfortable with the religious Obedience, Poverty and Chastity. A two weeks’ period known as ‘’Come and See’’, these young women visit in the formation house at Nalukolongo Mother House. During their stay, they observe the charism of the institute, pray and work with the Sisters.

Those who find the Charism appealing to them apply and are accepted, promoted to the level of Aspirancy for 1 year. This is followed by another year of Postulancy; this is a hopeful stage because from here the girls join the Novitiate. The Good Samaritan Sisters undergo a formation of four years to become a fully professed sister of the institute as follows;


This stage is considered a suitable preparation to the Novitiate (Can.597, &2) in order to complete the human and Christian formation of the Aspirant and to help her to make a free and responsible decision to enter the religious life through Novitiate. The girls are taught disciplines such as community life, history of the congregation, human formation, and leadership. The postulancy was entrusted to St. Aloysius Gonzaga who is a patron saint for those at postulancy stage.