Bakateyemba Home

This Home for the disabled commonly known as Mapeera Bakateyamba’s Home Nalukolongo was aimed to assist the needy of society such as the blind, lame, aged, destitute among others. The enthusiasm to found such a Home devolved from the Late Cardinal’s visits to various homes in Europe offering similar services to the needy.

This was implemented when he returned and on an official day of opening the Home he was quoted; ‘’what I dreamt of in England way back in 1975 has now become a reality. Here is a Home for people with disabilities. Here are sisters to assist take care of them’’ he pointed at the Bakateyambas and the sisters. To all the assembled he said; ‘’ I have built the Home but now I appeal to your generosity to help me for its upkeep. IT IS GOING TO BE SUPPORTED BY YOUR CHARITY.’’ The home has accommodated a number of needy people not only from Kampala Archdiocese but also other places in Uganda and outside Uganda. The home is managed by the Good Samaritan sisters; who on admission of the various members offer counselling services, medication, spiritual and professional counselling, mentoring, formal and none formal education at different levels; with prospects that these are transformed into better members of society.

Sr. Lawrence Nakiwu – Adminstrator

Recruitment of the Residents of this Home

The Good Samaritan Sisters follow Christ; serving Him in the poor, inspired by Christ’s limitless love and concern for the poor.

The Institution shares in the mission of the Church through works of mercy, serving Christ in poor, sick and disabled (Can. 6760). They focus on charity by being “neighbour” to the people in need (Lk 10: 29-37) and love of God who became poor for our sake (Eph 5:1).

The Good Samaritans are also people who read the signs of the time and at this, answer needs of society as ministresses of evangelisation basing on their charism to breed the needy, destitute and disabled people into holistic persons of the Universal church. They lead a community life as models in the unity of the Holy Trinity and an answer to Christ’s prayer of unity (Jn 17: 21).


1. Those in need apply through their respective parishes or LC1 and fill in a given form.
2. The Administrator or a social worker visits the place of the applicant to carry out a social analysis.
3. The applicant form is presented to the Management for approval.
4. After the Management Committee approval, the applicant becomes either temporally or permanent resident.

Administration of Bakateyambas’ Home Nalukolongo (MOTHERHOUSE)

The Home is administered by:

1.  The Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese
2. The Management Committee (At least 16 members)
3. The Mother General and her Council
4. The Administrator (A Good Samaritan Sister)
5. Assistant Administrator (Good Samaritan Sister)
6. Home Treasurer (GSS)
7. Secretary (GSS)
8. Matron (GSS)
9. Home Nurse (GSS)